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Earth Hour isn’t just about lights off; it’s about people across the world coming together throughout the year to join forces to improve the planet. Earth Hour gives you the power to inspire anyone, even if you’re just one person, and Earth Hour is much more than an hour. We are here in Artistori, doing our part for Earth. With Spiderman as ambassador, we inspired our little artists to write about using their power to save the earth. Through the story "What if the earth was eaten by us?", we discussed about what is happening to earth and what will happen if we don't protect our planet. Our little artists listened and discussed ths seriously. They began to have thoughts and perspectives on how they can save earth using their own power. Even a three year old girl who didn't know how to write, expressed herself using her own written language she created. They all want to use their power to save earth! Our little artists created their DIY earth and each have them expressed their earth from their hearts. We then bought them LED lights, explained how LED lights can save energy. With these LED lights, every little artists was amazed at how their earth became an earth hour lamp! Never underestimate your power; never underestimate what you can do. Join us and be a superhero! Use your power at! 地球日不仅仅是关灯那么简单,是涉及到整个世界的人们通过每一年聚集在一起来保护我们的星球! 地球日以蜘蛛侠为代言人并给你这种力量去影响着每个人。我们用这种精神去带动我们的小画家写下他们自己的语言。通过故事《如果地球被我们吃掉》一起讨论了现在地球上所发生的一切。 如果地球一点一点被我们吃掉将会怎样? 小画家们对于这个话题都严肃并认真对待,开始反思并发出他们内心的声音。甚至我们三岁多还不能书写的小画家们也热切的用她们自己的方式来表达内心对于保护地球的欲望! 我们DIY自己的地球,并在自己的地球上诠释我们内心对保护地球的渴望,并用LED灯来照亮地球呼吁更多的人们关注地球,保护我们的家园! 不要低估自己的力量,不要低估自己所能为地球做的! 成为超级英雄,和蜘蛛侠一起加入我们! 用你们的能力来保护地球! 意言社 Artistori 用艺术表达语言,让语言丰富艺术! Your Story, Your Art! #YourPower #EarthHour #UseYourPowerSG#EarthHourSG #SpiderMan

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This is Artistori's first roadshow at the Kid Fiesta 2014, held at Suntec Convention Exhibition Hall 403, booth A06 on the 15th and 16th of March 2014 from 11am to 9pm. We were welcomed by many little artists and we hope all of them loved the experience of bottle painting and making use of test tubes to plant bean sprouts and decorating these test tubes. We wish that more parents and little artists got to know us better with our unique teaching method to connect with all children. We believe all children have their own imagination, creativity and freedom of expression. Through art, they each have a story behind it and wants to express it. Artistori will continue this belief and wants to grow and learn together with all little artists and parents!

这是意言社在Kids Fiesta的第一个展览。我们举行的现场DIY花瓶和试管植物种植活动受到了很多小朋友们的青睐。我们希望通过此次活动能够让更多的家长和小画家认识和了解意言社独有的教学方法,我们相信每位小朋友都有他们自己的想象力和创造力。每位小画家的作品背后都蕴藏着一个美丽的故事。意言社会继续坚持这种方式并希望和所有热爱艺术的家长和小朋友一起学习与成长,共同在艺术的海洋自由翱翔!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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Artistori organized a trip for our little artists and parents to have fun with wheel throwing and all of them had a wonderful experience and memorable time with pottery.

More photos can be found in our Artistori album:

意言社 Artistori 用艺术表达语言,让语言丰富艺术 Your Story, Your Art

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