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Previously, the Zulu tribe needed help from our little artists to design a face paint in order to welcome the Baina tribes people from the mountains, rather than scare them away. The chief, Choya Nanbaskuta, was really happy to see the designs made by our little artists and because of the designs, they are now friends with the Baina tribe. They had a fun party, singing and dancing with them and are now exchanging our delicious fish meat with their delicious deer meat. However, the Zulu tribe village was destroyed by the Tsunami. Fortunately, most of the tribes people from the Zulu tribe village were warned earlier and left their own village to stay with the Baina tribe. So the chief once again seeked our little artists help to build a castle so that their people will not be left without a home when the Tsunami comes again.They had 4 designs but had no idea what it looks like in 3D. The chief needed the most united, smartest, fastest and strongest team to be the ones choosing. So, Artistori and the Zulu tribe created a mission challenge for our little artists, having 5 obstacle challenges for them to prove themselves as a united, smartest, fastest and strongest team. Team Octopus came in first, followed by Team Shark, Team Dolphin and finally Team Stingray. 4 prizes awaited them when they completed the challenge and they were really thrilled about the prizes. Team Octopus chose 2 large Hawaiian Pizzas, Team Shark chose the cake, Team Dolphin chose the 3 bottles of 100 Plus and Team Stingray chose the 8kg delicious watermelon. All shared and gone in a few minutes. The teachers didn't even have a chance to have them. They are not just the most united, smartest, fastest and strongest team but also the hungriest!

Other than the fun about Artistori Camp 2016, our little artists had a wonderful experience painting outdoors together with their parents. Their works are really amazing! This event went really successful because we had our little artists parents volunteering as Medics, Challenge Station IDs, photographers and some contributed financially and some brought food and drinks to share for the BBQ.

More photos are available at our Facebook Album:

Artistori sincerely thank everyone who contributed. Artistori teachers worked really hard for this event, created flags and bought snacks for their own team members. Kudos to all teachers! Please support our teachers and little artists by liking and sharing! Thank you!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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公教小学每年都会开展中华文化营活动,今年,意言社很荣幸的被公教小学邀请来到学校开展了中华文化营活动,活动通过故事的形式了解与学习中华文化的传统美,并用艺术的形式表达出来! 意言社和同学们渡过了开心的一个上午,大家都专注认真的创作,虽然时间有限,不能完全完成创作,但意言社还是不得不赞叹同学们的想象力和创造力!意言社和公教小学一样,认为这种宣扬中华文化传统的活动非常重要,希望新加坡的小学能够多多举办类似的文化营,在开心娱乐的环境下潜移默化的学习中华文化!最后,感谢公教小学老师们的配合及意言社老师们的付出,让这次的活动圆满成功!谢谢!

Every year, Catholic High Primary School will organize a chinese cultural camp for individual primary levels. This year, we are very honored to be invited by Catholic High for Primary 3. We engaged the primary 3 students with two amazing stories, touching on moral values, self and chinese culture! It's been a great morning with the primary 3 students. We were very impressed by their patience, focus and creativity and although the time wasn't sufficient for them to complete their art works, all of them amazed us with fabulous work of art! Artistori supports such activities, just like Catholic High School, where Chinese culture emphasized. We hope that all schools in Singapore have such activities or camps, promoting cultures from all over the world even! We'd like to thank the teachers of Catholic High School for their support and collaboration. A big thanks to Artistori teachers too! Your efforts are highly appreciated!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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For more photos, please check out our Facebook page album:

Our little artists were thrilled when they heard about going outdoor to paint and camp on 19th March 2016. However, they had to solve the problem of going out in groups with the risk of getting lost and not recognising school mates from Artistori. So Artistori asked them for solutions and we came to the conclusion of making our own Artistori T-shirts. Now this made them even more excited because all of our little artists love our logo. The question is, "How do we put our logo onto the T-shirt? Draw and paint? This will be too difficult. Send to a factory to print? This will be too expensive." So, Artistori introduced silk-screen to our little artists and it was an eye-opener for them to know that such fine printing can also be done without a machine. So, they had Artistori logo on the back of their T-shirts but it's too plain for the front now, so by using shapes, they designed and decorated their T-shirts they way they love it! Their own T-shirts hand printed by themselves! If you like what they do, please like and share to support them! Thank you!

当我们的小画家们听说今年的3月19号将会在白沙公园开展一年一度的户外水彩写生露营活动,大家都非常的兴奋。但是, 白沙当天会有很多的人,怎样才能够在户外的场所让老师和大家简单容易的认清彼此呢?我们在一起开始针对这个问题展开讨论,最终得出结论:意言社必须要有自己的t-shirt,要把logo放在衣服上,这样大家就会很容易找到自己的伙伴。问题是:怎么把logo放在衣服上?画吗?还是印?如果送去工厂印刷,这将会非常的贵。意言社向我们的小画家介绍了丝网印刷,这种印刷方式不用机器也可以进行。我们的小画家开始学习如果使用并在自己的T-shirt背后印上的意言社的图案,但是,这和别的学校的校服没什么区别?我们要与众不同,大家开始为衣服前面设计自己喜欢的图案并亲手画上去,这样,大家即有了一样的意言社衣服但又不失自己的个性。请欣赏并为我们的小画家点赞吧!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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