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Upcoming Creative Mix Media Art Project

Suits kids 4 years old to 8 years old

Duration: 4 sessions at 1 hour 30 minute per session

Period: From the week of 23rd December 2020 until the week of 13th January 2021.

Classes run physically-in-class and online as well.

Do you miss the beautiful time in the snow during the past winter vacation? Are you looking forward to fireworks bursting in the sky?

In this upcoming project, Artistori will lead our Creative Mix Media Art little artists to create an art piece of amazing fireworks in a winter village courtyard with their imagination and personal experiences.

In this project, our little artists will learn how to paint snow scenes with acrylic paint and combine it with soft pastels to create a gorgeous scene of fireworks!

Look forward to a very good new 2021 year with this painting hang up at home!

Artistori wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!








Here are the recommended required materials:

  • 1 B3 size kraft paper

  • 1 set of Acrylic paint, preferably 12 colours

  • Brushes: Flat and small round tip brushes

  • 1 palette

  • 1 set of soft pastels, preferably 12 colours

  • 1 set of permanent oil-based colour markers, preferably 12 colours

  • 1 used dish washing sponge (dried)

We provide these recommended required materials for a set at $79.90.

Additional $5 for delivery to your doorstep in Singapore.

Worldwide delivery varies.

Please get back to us before 22nd Dec 2020 on the purchase confirmation of recommended required materials set.



Book Now in advance before timeslots becomes full!

For timeslots and booking, please visit

Thank you!


We will still need to adhere to the new norm of life, measures and precautions that ensures our hygiene...


Our classes will be equipped with cameras to include concurrent online classes together with physical classes.


Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

It is important for every artist to have in depth knowledge about the materials that they are using to create their art piece. There is a wide range of art materials and products that produces different results and have subtle differences that ultimately affect the experience in the process of art creation and the intricate details in their masterpieces.

Artistori stresses the importance of quality, in every art piece produced as well as the materials that are chosen for use for every different projects. We don't just Taobao everything!

In our current Art Preneurship, our young artists are introduced to Gouache, a medium that is not widely introduced and can be difficult to master. in the beginning of their lessons to practice and the discovery of Gouache techniques, they have used a cheaper range of Daler and Rowney Simply series. With the knowledge of Gouache techniques, they can compare the difference in the quality of the Gouache paints when they start using the higher range of Gouache paints: Maimeri Extrafine Gouache and Daler Rowney Designers Gouache.

From cheap range to expensive range, we hope that every little artists, junior artists and young artists in Artistori brings home their valuable experience of the quality of art materials. This ultimately helps them with their future decision making when they begin purchasing their own art materials.

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.



意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

Final works from our recent Art Preneurship Project.

Will be putting up onto our online shop soon!

What is Art Preneurship?

Suits 12 years old & above

The dream of becoming an artist is in many but as we grow older, the practicality of life kicks in, the dream is slowly diminished.

Art Preneurship defines entrepreneurs and visionaries and we want to lead aspiring artists to a new level of creativity, style and art direction.

Kids as young as 12 years old, teenagers and adults will be taught a wide variety of fine art, creative art and digital art disciplines, turning their practice work into masterpieces, products and metaphor that shall inspire audiences world-wide.

The dream of becoming an artist involves the creation of their very own artist branding, website and social media platform identity.

With computer software skills as an essential today, Individuals will be trained to create art digitally, basic website development, digital ethics and pre-cautions, documenting art, photography and digitalising their own masterpieces.

A combination of everything in this programme turns fine art into online portfolios, prints and design works that can be exhibited online to the whole wide world.

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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