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每年,意言社都会带领年轻艺术家参加国际艺术比赛。创意视觉艺术的年轻艺术家将创造和规划他们的主题并进行创作,优秀作品将代表新加坡参加2022 年国际艺术画展比赛。他们可以自由选择他们想要使用的媒介类型,意言社艺术老师将指导和引导他们实现目标!




对于本次即将开展的项目,我们的主题将侧重于可以参加2022年国际艺术比赛。代表新加坡,所有作品都将由 意言社 老师进行评估、入围和挑选。


  • 参赛最低年龄为 5 岁。

  • 完成的作品由教师评估、入围的作品才会选择提交。

  • 提交需要原件。因此,完成的作品后将由意言社保管直到送达参赛国家,我们会以短信和邮件形式通知被选的学生家长。

  • 意言社将保留所有在本校的创作作品,并拥有允许他人制作、复制、出版或出售艺术品副本的专有权,同时保留所有法律版权。

  • 完整条款和条件:

4岁至8岁孩童, 多元创意美术 Creative Mix Media Art,

11岁孩童至18岁青少年, 创意视觉艺术 Creative Visual Art,

New to Artistori? Take a virtual tour here:

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori




意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

Upcoming projects for all levels

With our Creative Fine Art junior artist claiming an international Gold award as a milestone for Artistori and every year, we have achieved awards internationally, we are determined and encouraged by our efforts, philosophy and teaching approach as a form of recognition. Creativity and originality is our core belief and through art, we nurture children, teenagers to adults to become planners, critical thinkers, big picture thinkers, creative problem solvers, determined and disciplined individuals who can focus and concentrate on methodical approaches.

We inspire individuals to become artists, expressing new ideas, imaginations and feelings through art as a medium, in all art disciplines, in all forms of creativity, style and language, digitally and physically where originality and uniqueness is valued in all masterpieces.

We aim to make the world know about every artists presence and art works on an international level, through online and offline means.

For all levels, our upcoming projects shall focus on art works that can be themed and created for participating in 2022's international art competitions. Representing Singapore, all artworks shall be evaluated, shortlisted and selected by Artistori teachers.

Project Terms and Conditions

  • Minimum age for competition entry is 5 years old.

  • Completed artworks are evaluated, shortlisted and selected by teachers for submission.

  • Submission requires original copies. Therefore, completed artworks will be kept with Artistori only until selection process is complete. Selected artworks will be notified via Whatsapp and email.

  • Artistori Pte Ltd retains all rights in and to numerous artworks which are produced in Artistori Pte Ltd which are not transferred herein, and has the exclusive right to license others to produce, copy, make, publish or sell copies of the Artworks and retains all common law copyrights.

  • Full terms and conditions:

For children ages 4 to 8 years old, under Creative Mix Media Art,

For children ages 8 to 12 years old, under Creative Fine Art,

For kids to teenagers age 11 years old to 18 years old, under Creative Visual Art,

New to Artistori? Take a virtual tour here:

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori




意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

Congratulations to Teng Chen Hsi for claiming an international Silver award from the 52nd World School Children's Art Exhibition organised by The Republic of China, Taiwan.

My Robot Invention project is a very interesting project that drives kids into a mood of hyper-curiosity and imagination. Our inquiry-based approach leads on kids to ask questions, gather their thoughts and imagination, creating the most impossible ideas ever and just opens up their enthusiasm towards that desired robot invention!

Watch My Robot Invention Project's curriculum:

For Chen Hsi, he's always been a very "technological" person who is into different phones and computer configurations, games and the technology topics and how his school's online learning platform is really a disappointment. He created a detailed robot breakdown onto his robot painting where he had a clear variable definition of his robot's abilities. Because of his strong contrast and complimentary colour choice, his robot stood out amazing and colourful!

When we received the news, all teachers were like "I knew it!".

Well Done, Chen Hsi!

Other than this art work, Chen Hsi has also other amazing art works he has accomplished in Artistori:

Chen Hsi has grown to be a popular, well-liked and inspiring individual in Artistori where other classmates wants him to join their class! 😁🙃😉

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

Mobile: 88765551




WeChat ID: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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