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Next Creative Mix Media Art Project for 4 years old to 8 years old

People love to visit the garden, to smell nature and enjoy the vibrant colours of the flowers. Plants and flowers beautify our visuals and uplift our moods! However, they are even more beautiful and intricate than what our eyes can capture! Have you ever taken a closer look at the leaves, flowers and stems? Have you seen the texture of nature? What kinds of shapes do they have?

Take a walk in the garden or even look at the plants in your house. Let’s pick up some fallen leaves, branches or flowers, and create art with the nature!

Learning Points:

  • 3D Moulding

  • Watercolour

  • Mix Media Art

Duration: 2 sessions at 1 hour 30 minutes per session.

Period: From the week of 13th July 2022 until the week of 20th July 2022.

Free Trial Period: 1 session only from 13th July 2022 to 17th July 2022.

Instructions on Projects (Challenges) for Certification purposes:

Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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It was a fun-filled, meaningful, accomplished and exciting camp last Saturday 25th June 2022 at Pasir Ris Park!

It was raining for days on that week and the team at Artistori were all hoping that 25th June Saturday will be a sunny day. Thankfully, it was an awesome cloudy day! We didn't have to worry about heat and rain! Despite the grass patches being muddy, everyone enjoyed the camp a lot! Words from some of the children: "Can we restart the day again?" "Can we do the camp again next week?"

On behalf of the team at Artistori, once again, I thank all parents and guardian for your strong support to this camp and the fund-raising. We managed to raise $1,000.00 for Glyph Community Limited, our target donation amount! Everyone contributed!

We will also like to thank Mr. Desmond Choo, Mayor for North East District and Advisor to Tampines GROs for coming down to present the awards and gifts.

We started out in the morning to ensure all setup was all arranged according to plan.

Kinderstori kids started with outdoor nature yoga, a collaborative artwork for Mr. Desmond Choo and then a nice nature artwork for themselves.

Our outdoor watercolour plein air painting competition for Artistori began at 2pm. The accompanying watercolour set is really good. The pigment and colour range was terrific for the beach!

At around 4pm, our crazy and loud teambuilding mission challenges began!

Once again, the winning team goes to Teacher Charlotte's River Dolphin Team. All in! All in! River Dolphin!

At around 6.30pm, Mr. Desmond Choo presented the awards and gifts.

7.30pm: Barbeque time and we took the opportunity to celebrate birthdays for children whose birthdays falls during June.

8.30pm: The thrilling night treasure hunt where we walked in the totally dark mangrove swamp!

We wrapped up at around 10pm and those staying overnight gathered together to have a nice chat under the stars.

In the morning, we started cooking breakfast with eggs, bacons, hotdogs, bread and fruits!

The weather was really nice and cool on Sunday morning!

All the planning, hard work and overnight preparations for this camp paid off. This camp is a success and I look forward to another awesome camp next year!

Do you?

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori






Your Story, Your Art

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Looking at their smiles from each portrait taken, you can feel their pride, joy, accomplishment and enthusiasm when they hold on this certificate.


Artistori Creative Mix Media Art programme Certificate in Artistic Flair
Certificate in Artistic Flair

Speaking from a perspective of a parent-teacher, Art is not just another school subject. Art creates events to show a child's natural ability with the process of making art and deciding what really is complete. Compare such an event with an adult taking on a job with the strong desire to fulfil ownership based on individual desires, principles and restrictions. Through the job, an adult takes on advice, learns new abilities and knowledge through colleagues and mentors, and eventually grow and overcome new challenges together with the company. The challenges we set in Artistori with our inquiry-based and emergent curriculum creates such events for every child.


A personal summary from the book "The Power of Habit" by Jack D. Hodge:

Ideas and thoughts determine behavior, behavior determines habit, habit determines character, and character determines destiny.

Jack D. Hodge 的《习惯的力量》一书中的个人总结:

“思想决定行为,行为决定习惯,习惯决定性格,性格决定命运。 “

As we impart new knowledge and skills Artistori artists, each individual receives it differently and we take this opportunity to share and communicate their differences together and holistically, new abilities, knowledge and topics are emerged. Children become more involved, knowing their artworks are unique and original to themselves, they own it and they want to improve their own work naturally, craving on "How can I improve?" and "What can be done?". This positive attitude is a character builder and becomes a good habit in a child's life on abilities such as problem-solving, creativity, self-learning, etc. This habit can eventually be reflected and applied onto their other academical subjects.

当我们向 意言社艺术家传授新的知识和技能时,每个人都会以不同的方式接受它,我们借此机会一起分享和交流他们的差异,从整体上讲,新的能力、知识和主题就会出现。孩子们变得更加投入,当他们投入创作时,他们渴望“我该如何改进?”和“可以做什么?”。这种积极的态度是性格的塑造者,并成为孩子生活中解决问题、创造力、自学等能力的好习惯。这种习惯最终可以反映并应用于他们的其他学科。

As Artistori little artists from Creative Mix Media Art programme upgrades to Creative Fine Art programme becoming junior artists, the curriculum becomes more engaging and creative with the opportunity for concept planning phases encompassing feelings, emotions, ideas, aspirations, etc.

随着来自多元创意项目的小艺术家升级为 创意专业项目到最终成为初级艺术家,课程变得更具吸引力和创造性,并有机会进行概念规划阶段,包括感受、情感、想法、愿望等。

As Artistori junior artists from Creative Fine Art programme upgrades to Creative Visual Art programme becoming young artists, the curriculum directs and guides them to the path of a developing artist with the opportunity for more intensive skill training that includes digital art, ceramics and pottery. With fine art as a base, their art works depicts their skills, styles and form. The inclusion of emotions, feelings and their own ideas creates value and meaning. Creative Visual Art programme produces young modern artists who have the skills, creativity and originality.


Congratulations my fellow Artistori artists!

Keep up the good work!




A glance at our programme level charts


Artistori Creative Mix Media Art Programme Level
Artistori Creative Mix Media Art Programme Level
Artistori Creative Fine Art Programme Level, previously known as Art Foundation
Artistori Creative Fine Art Programme Level, previously known as Art Foundation

Artistori Creative Visual Art Programme Level, previously known as Art Preneurship
Artistori Creative Visual Art Programme Level, previously known as Art Preneurship

Feel free to drop us a message or call us for further inquiries or in doubt!

Thank you!


Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

WeChat ID: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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