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Next Creative Fine Art project - P2 to P4

Suits P2 to P4

Project Duration: 7 lessons at 2 hours per lesson.

Period: From the week of 30th Nov 2022 until the week of 15th Jan 2023.

Free Trial Duration: 1 lesson only from 30th Nov 2022 until 4th Dec 2022.

Learning Points 学习目标:

  1. Chinese Art History: The origins of Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy

  2. Principles of Chinese Ink Painting (by Chinese Artist Xie He)

  3. Chinese painting techniques: Gongbi (工筆) & Ink and Wash (水墨)

  4. Basic printmaking and carving

  5. Elements of composition in art

Our Junior Artists will dive into the world of Chinese ink painting, one of the oldest traditional art forms in the world. The classical style of Chinese ink painting flourished during the Tang Dynasty and was passed down through generations of painters.

A typical Chinese ink painting requires careful drawing with fine lines first to represent the exaggerated likenesses of subjects, followed by washes of ink and color added carefully layer by layer. Our Junior Artists will take on the challenge of painting a classic lotus flowers landscape. Join us as we learn about how to paint in this traditional style!

Free Trial Duration: 1 lesson only from 30th Nov 2022 until 4th Dec 2022.

Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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Creative Visual Art Programme - Primary 5 & above.

From sketching to underpainting, these steps in oil painting adheres to the traditional fine art discipline where tones matter more in Chiaroscuro. As they painted, they are amazed by the outcome of their neutral tones.

Seeing is convincing and we believe this underpainting will definitely help them define the actual color tones much easier. Looking forward to their final works with application of colors to bring out chiaroscuro.

Stay tuned for more updates on this 10-week oil painting project.

Creative Visual Art Programme

Art for 11 years old & above

Primary 5 and above

The dream of becoming an artist is in many but as we grow older, the practicality of life kicks in, the dream is slowly diminished.

Creative Visual Art defines entrepreneurs and visionaries. We want to lead aspiring young artists to a new level of creativity, style and visual art direction. Kids as young as 11 years old will be taught a wide variety of fine art, creative art and digital art disciplines, turning their practice work into masterpieces, products and metaphor that shall inspire audiences world-wide.

Creative Visual Art involves individuals in the creation of their very own artist branding, website and social media platform identity. With computer software skills as an essential today, they will be trained to create art digitally, basic website development, digital ethics and pre-cautions, documenting art, photography and digitalising their own masterpieces.

This is a Visual Arts programme with the aim to develop online portfolios, prints and design works to be ready for DSA-Sec, DSA-JC, 'N' level, 'O' level, auditions, submissions to tertiary institutions and to be exhibited online to the whole wide world.


适合年龄: 11岁,小五及以上

许多人都梦想成为艺术家,但随着年龄的增长,梦想随着繁忙的生活与学习逐渐减弱。创意视觉艺术课程造就企业家和有远见的人。我们希望将有抱负的年轻艺术家带到一个新的创新领域,我们带动青少年艺术家们 学习艺术领域的各种绘画技巧与创意,并将艺术与电脑绘画结合,带动他们将作品通过产品的形式带给全世界。 ​ 创意视觉艺术课程内容涉及学习创建个人艺术品牌、建立自己的网站和社交媒体平台。随着计算机软件技能成为当今必不可少的技能,我们带领青年艺术家学习绘画软件,以电子方式创作艺术、学习基本网站开发,版权所有以及预防措施,用电脑艺术科技结合摄影和数字化展示自己的杰作。 ​ 这是一个视觉艺术项目,旨在开发在线作品集、设计成品,通过在线展示自己,并为 “N” Level, “O” Level 艺术考试做好全面的准备。

Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art


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It's that time of year again!

We're back with another Holidays Arts Camp. This November, join us for our Discovery Arts camp. Our Litte Artists will be diving into new discoveries and adventures in this 3-day camp. The camp is structured to be fun and engaging for all ages starting from 4 years old to 12 years old.

We are introducing our Little Artists to new activities such as:

  1. Horse Riding

  2. Sun Printing

  3. Floral Arrangments

We will encourage learning through the arts as our little artists pick up new skills in painting, drawing, coloring, and more.

At Artistori, we value exposure to different types of art, and this camp will provide them with an environment where they can explore and create their own works of art. Our experienced instructors will guide each child through a series of activities and challenges that will allow them to express themselves creatively through the arts. Each day will offer something new and exciting.

Our Early Birds sale ends 11 Nov. Sign up NOW to enjoy a 5% discount.


Artistori's blog serves as your go-to source for everything related to art and your kid's education. Check out our other pieces:


Whatsapp: 88765551

WeChat: Artistori

意言社Artistori 用艺术表达语言,让语言丰富艺术 Your Story, Your Art

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