Final works from our recent Art Preneurship Project.
Will be putting up onto our online shop soon!
What is Art Preneurship?
Suits 12 years old & above
The dream of becoming an artist is in many but as we grow older, the practicality of life kicks in, the dream is slowly diminished.
Art Preneurship defines entrepreneurs and visionaries and we want to lead aspiring artists to a new level of creativity, style and art direction.
Kids as young as 12 years old, teenagers and adults will be taught a wide variety of fine art, creative art and digital art disciplines, turning their practice work into masterpieces, products and metaphor that shall inspire audiences world-wide.
The dream of becoming an artist involves the creation of their very own artist branding, website and social media platform identity.
With computer software skills as an essential today, Individuals will be trained to create art digitally, basic website development, digital ethics and pre-cautions, documenting art, photography and digitalising their own masterpieces.
A combination of everything in this programme turns fine art into online portfolios, prints and design works that can be exhibited online to the whole wide world.
意言社 Artistori
Your Story, Your Art