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Best Speech, Public Speaker & Presenter

As our students continue to excel in speech, public speaking and presentations, the selection process becomes increasingly rigorous. After careful evaluation, we are proud to announce the winners. Our selection criteria encompass a range of qualities, including artistic aesthetics, creativity, originality, speech flow, presentation clarity, sincerity, truthfulness, confidence, boldness, and alignment with respective topics.

Punggyeong 풍경 Fish-Shaped Wind Chimes

My Super Submarine

Our Cafe Story

Best Public Speaker -

Salvador Dalí Inspired Painting in Surrealism

Best Public Speaker -

Picture Book Illustration & Animation with GenAI and Animaker

Realistic Still Life Self Portrait

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

Latest Publications:

Heaton, R., Low, J. H., & Chen, V. (2024). AI art education - artificial or intelligent? Transformative pedagogic reflections from three art educators in Singapore. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 1–13.

Mobile: 88765551

WeChat ID: Artistori

Xiaohongshu 小红书 ID: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art


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