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Art Foundation Junior Artists Wins Award!

意言社 Artistori

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Artistori is very proud of all Art Foundation Junior Artists for having won a Highly Commended Achievement Award and two Consolation Awards from the 11th Singapore National Junior Watercolour Competition organized by the Singapore Watercolour Society.

Like the famous quote "A picture paints a thousand words", Art Foundation teaches Junior Artists to observe composition, perspective, lines, rules of the third and most important of all, LIFE in a picture. It's not just the basics of watercolour techniques but to bring out the life inside a painting, expressing out your own feelings through your painting.

Good Achievement for all Art Foundation Junior Artists regardless of whether you have gotten any award, Artistori is very proud of all of you because you were just there to paint a nice picture, enjoying the scenary and having fun painting!




意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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