Artistori teachers paid a visit to MINDS HQ to deliver the funds raised from our Carnival 2017. It's a good visit to get to know the fellow sheltered workshop clients that are artistically talented. MINDS HQ has a workshop for Down Syndrome and Autistic people who loves art and can do art. They were really happy and welcoming to see us. Without any doubt or hesitation, the moment we walked into their workshop, they started to welcome us by coming over to us to shake our hands and speak to us. We sincerely hope these funds raised by our little artists and parents can benefit them in one way or another. Once again, Artistori is grateful to all the teachers, helpers, junior & little artists and parents that participated in our Artistori Carnival - Artist Village 2017! 👏🏻❤️👍🏻☺️ 意言社 Artistori 用艺术表达语言,让语言丰富艺术 Your Story, Your Art