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Happy Lunar Rooster Year 新年快乐!

意言社 Artistori

Artistori wishes everyone a prosperous year of the rooster 2017! May each and everybody's health, fitness, studies and career be better than ever. Most important of all, may whatever we desire, reach for and on the way be good and smooth! Happy Lunar New Year! =D

意言社恭祝大家2017年新年快乐! 祝大家身体健康!学业进步!事业顺利! 更重要的:希望每一位在新的一年里,不管现在和未来,万事如意!一切顺风顺水!

意言社 Artistori 让艺术表达语言,让语言丰富艺术 Your Story, Your Art

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