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Launch of Art Foundation Programme for Kids 10 years old and above to teenagers

意言社 Artistori

Let's welcome our inspirational junior artists to our new Art Foundation Programme that launched on the 1st of April. This new programme is is a programme designed to help children and teens academically in the subject of art. From scoring in their ‘O’ levels, ‘N’ levels to gaining entry to SOTA, NAFA, Lasalle or other professional arts institutions or academies, etc., this programme aims at pointing them at the correct path. Learn advance art techniques, improve documentation of learning process in their own sketchbook journal, build up that confidence by learning ways to present works even better and produce that fantastic portfolio of art topics ranging from still-life sketching, water-colour painting, acrylic paintings, oil paintings, sculptures, ceramics, photography, pen drawings, print-making, installation, fashion design to comics drawing, etc. A particular topic may take 5 to 10 lessons to complete. Art Foundation Junior Artists are required to document their research and learning process in their own sketchbook journal and have an interview/presentation in class once their masterpiece is complete. Find out more about the Art Foundation Programme 欢迎意言社首批Inspirational小画家们加入我们的专业美术基础课程!专业美术基础课程主要是为儿童及青少年设计的专业性美术课程,涵盖了从O level,N level美术考试到想要成功进入SOTA,NAFA,Lasalle等其它的专业美术院校学习。此课程的主要宗旨是引领学生进去一个正确的途径,学习专业美术技巧,在学习过程中学习如何管理自己的个人作品及学习过程记录,通过学习素描、水彩、油画、雕塑、陶艺、摄影、钢笔画、拓印、作品展示、服装设计和漫画等十几项主题进行学习和探索,并通过这些主题学习如何建立自己的个人专业创作资料、并在考师面前专业并自信的呈现自己的作品。每一项主题需要5-10节课完成,每一位专业学生要求在整个学习过程中用自己的速写本记录在专业学习过程中所做的研究课题内容及个人灵感创作,并会在每一个创作完成后进行面试及个人作品呈现。

更多详情关于专业美术基础课程 意言社 Artistori 用艺术表达语言,让语言丰富艺术 Your Story, Your Art

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