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Adult Art Jam Exclusive Invitation

意言社 Artistori

We were surprised! We invited our little artists' parents for a free 2 hour session acrylic painting from 25th July 2015 until 31st July 2015. Our little artists' parents are absolutely fabulous! From a 3rd persons perspective, they were totally engrossed and it feels like they have been holding on to such an enthusiasm and passion for art and yet, this session has led them to let loose, release and that many years of holding on to a talent has just been exposed. It's a really beautiful sight because it's not just the artwork that's beautiful, the moment when you look into their eyes while they sketch and paint is priceless! We can see their children are very proud of their parents as though it's a form of encourage for both. It's wonderful and we hope more of our little artists' parents can participate to feel the beauty of unlimitless art!

7月25日·31日,我们邀请了小画家们的爸爸妈妈来参加两个小时的自由创作绘画,家长们的作品让我们感到惊喜!意言社作为旁观着,看到家长们投入的拿着画板,专注在自己的创作中,仿佛他们在为自己描绘另一片艺术的天地,释放内心的情绪,解除压力,同时给了自己的孩,,我们的小画家一个很好的表率和鼓励。我相信我们的小画家一定为自己的爸爸妈妈感到骄傲! 见天的感觉真是太棒了,我们希望更多的家长能够参与进来,感受艺术带给我们的无穷魅力!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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