A fabulous camp at Pasir Ris Park with outdoor sketching of coconut trees and the scenery of Pasir Ris Park that is supposed to have ended with just the BBQ dinner. But for those staying overnight, Artistori had a treasure hunt planned for them. Only a few kids and families wanted to stay overnight and most of the kids, wanted to stay, but can't, due to their age and their parents restriction. But when the story of the treasure map leaked out, they just bugged us to start the treasure hunt immediately and this led, most, I meant all the families, to stay back till really late. To ensure the safety of everyone, our teachers were assigned to lead in groups of 10 families. The long long line, some in 3s and some in 2s, reminded the guys about road marches back in their NS days! It was really cool.
The treasure map led us to a place that was really dark, with no street lamps. Some kids were really afraid to enter and guess what? Once we mentioned to them about the torch lights, it began to become a night party of spotlights going around in the dark, really nice!
What's the treasure?
It's lots of things that kids really loved and got really excited over! I believe they will never forget this moment in their lives! =D
More photos can be found in our Facebook album:
意言社 Artistori
Your Story, Your Art