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公教小学中华文化营 Catholic High Chinese Cultural Camp

意言社 Artistori

公教小学每年都会开展中华文化营活动,今年,意言社很荣幸的被公教小学邀请来到学校开展了中华文化营活动,活动通过故事的形式了解与学习中华文化的传统美,并用艺术的形式表达出来! 意言社和同学们渡过了开心的一个上午,大家都专注认真的创作,虽然时间有限,不能完全完成创作,但意言社还是不得不赞叹同学们的想象力和创造力!意言社和公教小学一样,认为这种宣扬中华文化传统的活动非常重要,希望新加坡的小学能够多多举办类似的文化营,在开心娱乐的环境下潜移默化的学习中华文化!最后,感谢公教小学老师们的配合及意言社老师们的付出,让这次的活动圆满成功!谢谢!

Every year, Catholic High Primary School will organize a chinese cultural camp for individual primary levels. This year, we are very honored to be invited by Catholic High for Primary 3. We engaged the primary 3 students with two amazing stories, touching on moral values, self and chinese culture! It's been a great morning with the primary 3 students. We were very impressed by their patience, focus and creativity and although the time wasn't sufficient for them to complete their art works, all of them amazed us with fabulous work of art! Artistori supports such activities, just like Catholic High School, where Chinese culture emphasized. We hope that all schools in Singapore have such activities or camps, promoting cultures from all over the world even! We'd like to thank the teachers of Catholic High School for their support and collaboration. A big thanks to Artistori teachers too! Your efforts are highly appreciated!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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